R Crash Course: Figures

plot of chunk lifeExp-vs-gdpPercap-scatter

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

plot of chunk lifeExp-vs-gdpPercap-scatter2

plot of chunk ch1-sol

plot of chunk ch2-sol

plot of chunk lifeExp-line

plot of chunk lifeExp-line-point

plot of chunk lifeExp-layer-example-1

plot of chunk ch3-sol

plot of chunk lifeExp-vs-gdpPercap-scatter3

plot of chunk axis-scale

plot of chunk lm-fit

plot of chunk lm-fit2

plot of chunk ch4a-sol

plot of chunk ch4b-sol

plot of chunk facet

plot of chunk theme

plot of chunk ch5-sol

plot of chunk ch2-sol

plot of chunk ch2-sol

Split apply combine

Full apply suite

plot of chunk rmd_to_html_fig