For those of you that are interested in ECTS points for this course you have the following task:
create a program/script that shows your mastery over programming.
Keep the following in mind:
Create separate R project for this task. Put the important code and comments that should be judged into one .Rmd file called exam, that is compiled to the .html format.
You can use any data you want, you can even analyze your own data, or the example data from some R package. Don’t reuse the data used for this course.
Follow all that you have learned during the course. Try to make the code follow good programing principles.
Show that you can do basic data wrangling and plotting. Try asking some question and answer it with a plot created using ggplot2. Add meaningfull comments to the plots.
Each student works on his own, and each student work should be unique. Grading is pass/no pass.
Send the gzipped R Project to the examiner email, make sure it works as is, after unpacking. In case the data you use is too big to send over email (limit of 25mb) send only the .Rmd file and .html file.
You have got 3 weeks after the end of the course to deliver the solution.